Celebrate and Donate: Supporting Silver Lining Families during the Holidays

Holidays are a significant time for families to come together and celebrate. This time of year can be particularly challenging for Silver Lining families for many reasons. Most notably, at least one family member is not there with them. There can also be significant financial strain and stressors that come with the chaos and demands of the season. Most Silver Lining guardians are elderly grandparents living on fixed incomes, may have difficulty with driving/transportation and/or have limited capacity for participation due to things like other family responsibilities or health concerns/restrictions. Kathy’s Legacy, a non profit organization, is here to step in to provide crucial support.

Non-profit organization Christmas Party

Maintaining Normalcy for Traumatized Children during the Holidays

Maintaining normalcy is vital for children who have experienced trauma, and holidays are no exception. Silver Lining ensures that these children can partake in festivities by maintaining family traditions and offering experiences similar to their peers. Our non profit organization allocates extra funding during Thanksgiving to cover increased holiday expenses

A Chance to Give and Receive

In December we host our Christmas Party at the beginning of the month, and it is the last family event of the year. All the families are invited to attend and have a blast participating in activities from crafts to gingerbread house decorating or karaoke. Santa always makes an appearance, and each Silver Lining child receives a gift and stocking. The adults are provided Visa gift cards to fund any holiday shopping for gifts, food, decor, etc. This year we also provided some fun family crafts and activities for them to take home. As with all our events, we provide gas cards to cover the cost of transportation so there is no expense for the families to attend.  

Non profit organization Christmas Party
Non profit organization Christmas Party

Relieving Stress for Guardian Families

Our hope is that by providing extra funding and activities that some of the stress is relieved for the aunts/uncles, grandparents and siblings that have taken guardianship of the children. These events also provide a safe place for the children to enjoy holiday festivities. The adults aren’t responsible for bringing anything and the kids are free to be themselves knowing they are with other children just like them.

Year-round Recognition and Support

Throughout the year, Silver Lining recognizes other holidays by sending fun mail or celebrating in person near family events. This ongoing support aims to create a sense of normalcy and joy for these families facing unique challenges.

Donate to Make a Difference

Your support is crucial to sustaining our mission. Donate to Kathy’s Legacy, a non profit organization to contribute to essential assistance, creating opportunities for healing and joy. Join us in making a lasting impact on the lives of those facing the devastating consequences of domestic violence. Be a beacon of hope for Silver Lining familiesdonate today and click here to help these resilient children reclaim the lost joys of childhood.

To learn more about the importance of Silver Lining events we invite you to read part 2 of our Children and Trauma Series.


Your gift today is an investment in the lives of children and pets impacted by domestic abuse.