Supporting Emergency Needs

At Kathy’s Legacy, our mission goes beyond immediate assistance; we are committed to offering continuous support to our Silver Lining families. The financial burden brought on by unexpectedly becoming a guardian is challenging to overcome and often leaves our families vulnerable in unexpected and emergency situations.

In January 2024, San Diego experienced severe rainfall that flooded several neighborhoods across the county, affecting one of our Silver Lining families. The family’s entire apartment was flooded with inches of water, and many of their belongings were ruined. Overnight, they found themselves in crisis, unsure of what to do next and were ordered to evacuate. The family was able to receive some assistance through the Red Cross but there were still pending needs with moving and storing their belongings. The grandmother reached out to us and Kathy’s Legacy provided resources to aid their temporary relocation including funding storage bins. Having already lost so much due to the flooding, this grandmother was relieved to know their remaining belongings would stay safe.


Another Silver Lining family faced a similar situation of displacement this year. Mary had suspected mold in their apartment and once confirmed they were required to find temporary housing while the mold issue was resolved. Although their rent was waived the next month, they could not afford a hotel before their paychecks arrived in a few weeks. Mary was beginning to think that she, her husband, and their two grandchildren would have to sleep in their car for a week. Upon learning of their situation, Kathy’s Legacy quickly provided Mary with a Visa gift card to help with the cost of temporary housing. Mary and her family have faced numerous challenges, and we were more than happy to help ease their burden. 

These examples illustrate the critical support Silver Lining provides to families in crisis. Kathy’s Legacy stands as a pillar of support, ready to help our families through the toughest times and ensure they never have to face their challenges alone.


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